Tips for the 3rd Trimester

Your in the home-stretch mama👏🏼

Tips for your 3rd Tri:

  1. Swelling-Compression socks are great for this! Keep moving by going for walks, pumping your ankles up/down to improve circulation 

  2. Round ligament pain. If you haven’t already, look into support-wear for your growing belly. @baobeimaternity has great options from support bands to leggings & bike shorts.

  3. Sciatica- Results from decreased stability at the pelvis or tight hip musculature, expanding uterus or fluid retention putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. Try foam rolling or using a trigger point ball to help release the hip rotators. You can also use stretches such as the figure-4 or modified pigeon pose to stretch the outer hip. Move in ways that feel good and modify those that don’t. Seek out a PT if you are unable to manage this on your own. 

  4. Sleeping- this can get harder & harder the bigger baby gets. It is recommended you sleep on your side to allow for adequate blood flow to you & baby. However if you wake up on your back there is no need to panic. Just roll to your side. Use a pillow between your knees for better pelvic support & to keep your lumbar spine from going into rotation. You can also go all out and buy a fancy pregnancy pillow to help support you on your side.

  5. Fatigue- back yet again. This is not the time to work towards that PR. Listen to your body & rest when it’s telling you to. Look to move & stay active in ways that feel good to you that day.

  6. Pelvic floor connection- there is no time better than now to continue connecting with your pelvic floor. Now you want to start working on not only contracting, but also relaxing & lengthening, which will help prepare you to push baby out when the time comes.

  7. Have your birth plan ready & let your healthcare/support team know what you are planning. Also be mindful that although this is how you envision your birth experience going, it is likely it can change and that is ok! But better to have a plan than to wing it & not know what’s going on around you


Is your deep abdominal system working effectively?


Tips for the 2nd Trimester